
A Pet Peeve

I am not someone who hates very many things. I can certainly get fired up, and I certainly have a temper, but I tend to see most things for the positive. But one thing that I absolutely cannot stand seeing is a "notification" light. I hate when the notification is on my phone that there is a new voicemail, or a new message. I need to get rid of it immediately. I hate when the cable box has a red light indicating a message (which is almost always advertising some upcoming boxing match. Really, Comcast?) I hate when my email inbox indicates that I have unread messages. Now I by no means dislike getting new messages, new voicemails, etc. (aside from the irrelevant ones from Comcast), but I hate that little light, or icon, or bold (1) showing me that something is there that I haven't gotten to yet. Maybe that's why I leave work every day with a virtually empty inbox - I hate the impression that something is incomplete or not tackled.

My dear, sweet wonderful husband is not similarly bothered by this. In fact, his email box constantly indicates over 1000 unread messages, because he never got around to reading or deleting them. This drives me crazy! Fortunately, it's his inbox, not mine.... but man, I pride myself on my filing systems in which I deal with everything as it comes. This does not mean that I reply instantly, but believe me, I instantly know it's there.

I wonder if others have this quirk, or whether it's just another thing that makes me unique....

Oh, P.S. I have started a blog about our upcoming arrival. If you care to keep up with baby related news, visit http://moncheddar.blogspot.com

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