
Here's something that makes me mad...

I'm sure that tons of people have seen the story about the guy who was driving his wife to the hospital while she was in labor, only to receive a speeding citation after the baby was delivered. The husband and wife have since gone to the press, talking about how they are fighting the ticket. They are met with chagrined sighs from the news reporters: "Wow, can you believe that cop? So unfair/ridiculous."

You know what I think is ridiculous? These people think that they don't deserve a ticket. He was driving 102 miles per hour, almost double the 55 MPH speed limit. He put his own life, the life of his wife and almost-newborn baby, and every other driver on the road at risk. It's not like he was going 80. Do you have any idea how fast 102 MPH is? He thought to call 911 when he saw the police officer's lights behind him, to advise of the situation. The police officer was kind enough to act as an "escort" for him. Why didn't he think to call 911 when he left? He didn't care about the safety of anyone on the road, he cared about himself when he was about to get pulled over. I completely understand that he was panicked about the labor situation, but there were better ways to handle the situation. But now, to be appalled on the national news that the cop had the "nerve" to actually cite him? I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous.

I also find it ridiculous that so many news outlets have picked up this story. Yes, you get a ticket for driving almost double the speed limit. The fact that his wife was about to give birth is a mitigating factor, sure, but you can't say that the speed limits don't apply. Do ambulances travel down the highway at 102 miles per hour? I am done with these people who think that their "special" situation means that the rules don't apply. Thank the cop for the police escort, take the ticket and pay the fine. Don't make yourself look like an entitled ass.

1 comment:

  1. Bam. Take that! I enjoy the passion. Btw, Congrats on the baby news. I hope the hub doesnt plan on speeding to the hospital!
